
According to Article 49 of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the CAP National Managing Authority (hereinafter referred to as the "Managing Authority") is required to provide a website where the objectives, activities, funding opportunities and results of the CAP Strategic Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "CAP SP") are available. The Managing Authority has created its official website, the CAP website, in compliance with the legal obligations, where it provides information on the CAP Strategic Plan and its implementation. 

The full CAP SP is available on the website in Hungarian. 

The Managing Authority publishes a schedule of upcoming calls for proposals on the CAP website, which is updated at least three times a year. It has also established a monitoring committee to follow up the implementation of the CAP strategic plan, as provided for in Article 124 of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The Monitoring Committee meets at least once a year to review the implementation and progress of the objectives of the CAP SP. The CAP website also presents the rules of procedure of the Monitoring Committee, the list of its members, the meeting minutes and the opinions of its members. The Managing Authority provides information on how to exercise rights and fulfil obligations in relation to the measures, in accordance with the Ministerial Order 54/2023 (13.9.2013) on the rules for the use of agricultural aid from the Common Agricultural Policy and the national budget. For the implementation of the operations set out in the CAP SP, calls for proposals as well as the General Guide can also be found on the website.  

The Managing Authority coordinates the call for proposals with the National Paying Agency and the Minister responsible for the use of EU funds to ensure compliance with state aid rules, and then opens it to public consultation, except for the priority selection procedure, with a ten-day deadline. It responds to the comments received during the social dialogue. If a change in the legislation or for any other reason makes it necessary to amend the call for proposals, the Managing Authority amends the call without delay and a notice is published on the CAP website.

To improve the quality of the implementation of the CAP Strategic Plan, the Managing Authorityevaluates the CAP Strategic Plan for the period 2023-2027 and ex-post, which will also be published here. In addition to the above information, the CAP website provides information on current news, LEADER action groups and the functioning of the CAP network.



The Hungarian CAP Network 

The Hungarian CAP Network aims to involve farmers, public administration, advisors, researchers and innovators in the implementation of the CAP Strategic Plan. The main task of the network is to inform the public and potential beneficiaries about the objectives of the CAP SP, as well as interventions and their financing rules applicable to agriculture, forestry, food production and rural development in line with the European Union's requirements for the 2023-2027 programming period. 

Further specific goals of the Hungarian CAP network is to:

  • involve the beneficiaries in the implementation of CAP Strategic Plan, as well as to provide information to the beneficiaries about financing opportunities,
  • assist the Ministry and the Paying Agency in the implementation of the CAP SP,
  • promote innovation in the field of agriculture and rural development, support the exchange of knowledge between actors, as well as knowledge building,
  • contribute to monitoring and evaluation capacities and activities;
  • contribute to the dissemination of the results of CAP Strategic Plan.



Governance of the national CAP network

The Hungarian CAP network provides support units in three complex and priority areas, which horizontally cover the main topics set out in the CAP Strategic Plan. The support units of the National CAP network are managed and coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture, at the Department of Agricultural Modernization, in cooperation with the Managing Authority and the Department of CAP Coordination. Within the governance working groups have been established in the field of finance, communication, international cooperation and monitoring & evaluation. For further information regarding the Managing Authority and the Department of CAP Coordination please contact our international expert at kapf@am.gov.hu 


The Hungarian CAP Network relies on the contributions of the following three main Support Units:

Rural and Regional Development Support Unit (RSU)


  • aims to organize and coordinate local governmental, municipal, and social organizations involved in agriculture and rural development;
  • focuses on promoting the interventions related to LEADER, rural infrastructure development, support for new businesses, generational renewal and promotion of rural community networks.

The services of the Rural and Regional Development Support Unit (RSU) are free and accessible to anyone. Any person or organisation - including cooperation and rural development organisations - is entitled to register through newsletter registration, participation in events and professional collaborations.

Regarding regional representation, the predecessor of the RSU, the MNVH (national network) which was established on 1st January 2013, operates a network of regional rural development experts. The local staff help the development of regions by providing information and professional assistance. In the RSU the existing best practices have been kept.

The Secretariat of the RSU coordination body is based in Budapest, at the Herman Ottó Intézet Nonprofit Ltd. 

For further information on the Rural and Regional Development Support Unit please contact vteiroda@hoi.hu

Official webpage:



Innovation and Digitalization Support Unit (ISU)


  • promotes knowledge flows and national/international networking among various stakeholders in agriculture, forestry, and rural development to foster innovation and digitalization, and
  • facilitates information sharing and knowledge exchange on the European Innovation Partnership, as well as on measures for a successful digital transformation.

The network coordinated by the Innovation and Digitalization Support Unit (ISU) is open to anyone interested in the innovation and digitalization interventions of the CAP, as well as the knowledge exchange related to interactive innovation, and digital transformation of the sector.

Interested participants can get involved by contacting the support unit (e.g. by subscribing to a newsletter or sending an e-mail), attending events, establishing professional partnerships and working more closely together to exchange information.

For further information please contact the Innovation and Digitalization Support Unit at ite@aki.gov.hu

Official webpage:



Green Support Unit (GSU)


  • focuses on integrating environmental sustainability and climate protection into the implementation and promotion of the CAP Strategic Plan;
  • supports green interventions under CAP SP’s Pillars I and II by maintaining a green expert and advisory network, 
  • promotes sustainable agricultural practices, and ensures continuous knowledge updates for agricultural professionals.

There is no formal membership in the Green Support Unit (GSU). Everybody who is interested in the CAP and environmental sustainability is invited to participate and benefit from the different CAP network formats.

You can get involved by contacting the support unit (e.g. by subscribing to a newsletter or by e-mail), participating in events, establishing professional cooperation and working more closely together in the exchange of information.

Thematic focus areas of the GSU are

  • Biodiversity
  • Sustainability
  • Climate and Climate Change
  • Ecofarming
  • Regenerative farming
  • Environment
  • Generational Renewal 

For further information please contact ZTEIroda@nak.hu

Official webpage:


These Support Units work together closely to ensure the effective implementation of the CAP Strategic Plan.